We currently have 19 registered members from 9 different countries. Austria, Australia, Germany, India, Luxembourg, the UK, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland.
We have also had visitors from at least 5 other countries
Who will be the next 3 countries to join in?
I think we'll eventually get a registered member in the US and Croatia and the Czech Republic can't be too far away from joining in.
Anyone else want to look into the crystal ball and predict the future?
joel wrote: Have you advised Mr Roger Metcalfe of Silver City, New Mexico of this forum?
I believe he may be lurking around, but so far seems to be too bewildered by our musings (As the 'Fish the murderer' or 'What did you have for Sunday lunch?' threads might suggest) or too shy to join as a member.
And that goes for the bloke lurking about in Spain too. We know you're out there - come on in - we don't bite.
Iceland you can have. Iran will count too. And either France or Canada - but French Canada is not a country and to include it would be cheating. And that's just not cricket. Although apparently the Canadian parliament has recently recognised Quebec as a "nation within a nation", so I'm probably just talking blx.
Luxury wrote: Although apparently the Canadian parliament has recently recognised Quebec as a "nation within a nation", so I'm probably just talking blx.
Does this mean we can have your home country Wales too?
Iceland has two cricket teams, as you'll recall from the book. They lie several hundred kilometres apart, and are, as I understand, mostly natives.
I think Wales should count, and Scotland, definitely. We are more independent. We have a Parliament, Wales has an assembly. We have our own cricket team, and Welsh cakes are just scones gone wrong in the oven.
What about the Channel Islands? Tricky one there - not in the United Nations but seperate as an ECC member. And Taiwan? China won't recognise them on this forum.
Iceland has two cricket teams, as you'll recall from the book. They lie several hundred kilometres apart, and are, as I understand, mostly natives.
I think Wales should count, and Scotland, definitely. We are more independent. We have a Parliament, Wales has an assembly. We have our own cricket team, and Welsh cakes are just scones gone wrong in the oven.
What about the Channel Islands? Tricky one there - not in the United Nations but seperate as an ECC member. And Taiwan? China won't recognise them on this forum.
But if a member joins from Taiwan on this forum, they will appear as Taiwan (not China). China mightn't like it, but any Taiwanese forum member will appear as an independent entity Now you have inspired me to write to my only Taiwanese contact. She may not know anything about cricket, but you have just made it my duty to log her IP number in the "list all users" world map under Taiwan.
I think on a forum like this you have to let people decide for themselves where they're from and whether it's a separate country.
After all plenty Americans would never consider Wales a country. Meanwhile the political ramifications of LjCC setting itself up as an arbiter of international border and identity disputes probably goes beyond its remit. For example, should we recognise the (possibly) illegal incorporations of Hawaii into the US and Newfoundland into Canada.
Plus - I like how Angus has moved this gently towards another discussion of his book! Good one mate!!
You will play better Today than you did Yesterday, and almost as much as you will Tomorrow
Golcar CC wrote: I think on a forum like this you have to let people decide for themselves where they're from and whether it's a separate country.
After all plenty Americans would never consider Wales a country. Meanwhile the political ramifications of LjCC setting itself up as an arbiter of international border and identity disputes probably goes beyond its remit. For example, should we recognise the (possibly) illegal incorporations of Hawaii into the US and Newfoundland into Canada.
Plus - I like how Angus has moved this gently towards another discussion of his book! Good one mate!!
Is that like whether people on a forum should decide whether they should use the word 'of' after the word 'plenty.' I wouldn't mention it, but I have suffered from the grammar and spelling police myself, so see no reason why you should escape. Plus that's the second time you've used it. Or perhaps it would be a feature of the official language of the independent republic of Yorkshire?
Mind you french Canada's not a country. And in reality it's probably the people who wrote this rather impressive off-the-shelf forum software who get to decide.
You will play better Today than you did Yesterday, and almost as much as you will Tomorrow
So we're agreed: we can have Welsh and Scottish Britain, but not French Canada, or even Canadian France. The one we really want of course - the Biggie - is obviously Russia. That's the key to global domination - or at least a lot of sky blue on our map. Anyone got any Ruski pals? Mark, are you out there?
Nah. Build in Autralasia, make a mad dash to Kamchatka and surge across the Bering Straits. Don't try and hold Asia unless the dice are really rolling for you.
-- Edited by brazo de natillas at 19:09, 2007-01-12
Otherwise, my money's on North Korea or Pitcairn Island being next.
I know this sounds extremely sad, but I checked and I can't find Pitcairn Island on the forum map. Does it qualify as a real country or is it just Australia or the UK or something? I'm not sure if they would have much interest in our musings either. However should anyone know any North Koreans who wish to discuss Slovene Microbreweries, Murderous teammate nightmares or What they had for Sunday lunch in Pyongyang then they would certainly be welcome.
Pitcairn Island has the world's smallest population - 47. You need to travel by ship and boat for more than a day from NZ to get there. It's a British dependency, but they consider themselves independent. It's been in the news a lot recently, following a recent major paedophilia trial (no courthouse so they used a children's classroom). The main culprit was sent to jail, a jail which he himself had built some weeks earlier! Absolutely fascinating place, full of extraordinary quirks.
Incidentally, today (Friday 19th january 2007) marks the one month anniversary of the forum's birth. As well as the members we have in Slovenia, Croatia, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria, Australia, The USA, UK, Germany, Spain, India and Taiwan! we have also had visitors spotted from Finland + France.
So far we have had 14362 views (including visiting guests) at an average of 448.8 per day. We are getting an average of 18 new posts a day.
Here's hoping to many more new members from many new countries and many new amusing and interesting posts.